Press Release: Sasin and mai host Global New Venture Plan Competition for Royal Trophy
Feb 20, 2011

February 8, 2011: Sasin and mai host Global New Venture Plan Competition for Royal Trophy
- 66 teams from 21 countries on 6 continents competing under the theme “Seed of Success for Sustainable Future”
Professor Toemsakdi Krishnamra, Director of Sasin, announced that Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University in cooperation with the Market for Alternative Investment (mai) will hold the mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2011 February 24-26, 2011. Master’s degree students of leading universities worldwide compete for H.M. The King’s Award and a prize of over 800,000 baht. Young entrepreneurs submit business plans seeking joint investment. The competition is supported by major sponsors comprising The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Kiatnakin Bank Co., Ltd. and Money Channel. In this 9th year of competition, the theme is “Seed of Success for Sustainable Future.” Master’s degree students are encouraged to transform into young entrepreneurs displaying creativity and socially responsibility. A total of 66 business plans from 55 world class universities located in 21 countries were submitted.
Of these, 16 teams from 12 countries are eligible for the semi-final round: 4 teams from Thailand (Thammasat University, AIT, CMMU and Sasin), 2 teams from China, and one each from India, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Germany, France, Australia, United States of America, Canada and Argentina.

Each year, the business plan competition becomes more intense. The quality of the business plans increases as representation from participating institutions widens. This year the business plans must feature “innovative business for sustainability”—or be environmentally friendly. In this unstable economic environment, creativity, practical knowledge and clear business planning are the key factors to success. Business administration students enjoy this opportunity to prove their capability in a practical way. Feedback from the judges who are successful business people from various fields is another bonus for all students in the competition. The mai Bangkok Business Challenge® @ Sasin 2011 will be held from February 24-26. Interested persons are invited to attend free of charge. For further information about attendance at the competition and seminar, please contact 0-2218-4001-8 ext. 181-182 or www. bbc.in.th