The Official Opening Reception
Feb 20, 2018
The Official Opening Reception of this year’s SCG Bangkok Business Challenge @ Sasin is almost here! Join us on Thursday February 8th from 16:00 – 20:00 for the SCG Entrepreneurship Forum! Marcelo Bravo, Founder and CEO of Oxford PharmaScience Ltd., will be one of two keynote speakers, and will give a presentation on “The Perfect Winning Pitch”.
Marcelo Bravo is a serial entrepreneur specializing in virtual fast growth global companies based on disruptive science and technology. He has founded or co-founded four start-ups in the UK in the past ten years, two of which he has taken public to the AIM market, raising over £40m in funding from private and institutional investors. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Marcelo had an international career in R&D with Procter & Gamble and also worked in corporate development for Boots The Chemist (now Alliance Boots Plc).
Marcelo is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Oxford PharmaScience Ltd (www.oxfordpharmascience.com), a UK based consumer health company. Marcelo is also the author of “Dream Design Surf” (www.dreamdesignsurf.com), a book aimed at helping entrepreneurs design new ventures for rapid growth, low risk, and global impact.
To register, go to https://bbc2018.eventbrite.com/